camp jake
Another awesome themed party "Camp Jake". Look at this camp cake! The cake has: a tent has a sleeping bag and pillow, trees made from green tinted coconut, fire pit made from chocolate candies-pretzels-candles-marshmallows, blue sugar for the lake, brown sugar for the beach, Swedish fish, and pretzels for a deck. SO AMAZING. Jake is going to have such wonderful memories of this day.
craft corner : tie dye t-shirts (a camp must have)
My daughter loved this! Tara and Larry made labels for mini sandwich bags that said " (name), secret trail mix recipe".
Simple details make the event-- a "mess hall" sign on the door to the kitchen. I didn't get a photo of it, but when we first got to the party we had to register the kids at the "registration table" where we also got a orange back-pack with a iron-on transfer that said "camp jake". Then we went to two craft tables : one to make a name tag and another to make a postcard.
water balloon toss
Look at the faux fire they made for the kids with little tree stump seats.
At one point the kids were singing Johnny Cash (all on their own)
"I fell in to a burning ring of fire
I went down,down,down
and the flames went higher.
And it burns,burns,burns
the ring of fire
the ring of fire"
Tara and Larry are incredible parents. I can almost mark the years by their party themes. . . I feel lucky to be in attendance.
Very cool party! I found you from Larry's FB page and now I know who to bug when I need party ideas!