WLT is an image, video, & text ‘bookmarking’ site that is wholly dedicated to type-related content. Think of it as a type-centric and visional delicious, if you like. Membership is by invitation only.
Why? Why, what? If you mean, Why is posting to WLT limited to invited members only? Well, simply because it’s the only way to ensure that all posts are in some way type-related. Open it up to all, & I might as well rename it to weloveporn dot something. Where was I? Oh, yes, why? If, on the other hand, you mean why did I create this site? Because it was so much fun to do, because it was a challenge, & because I like type, typography, lettering, signage, & the slices of inspiration nestled in between. And, in the hope that it will inspire you.
Why do you sometimes use an ampersand, sometimes ‘and’? That’s not very consistent, is it? Consistency is overrated, and, well, if Eric Gill can do it ...
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